Sports and Humanity
by Bob Vandersluis As many of you know, my wife and I were recently overseas visiting Thailand and Cambodia. We went to Thailand for one [...]
by Bob Vandersluis As many of you know, my wife and I were recently overseas visiting Thailand and Cambodia. We went to Thailand for one [...]
by Bob Vandersluis There is no doubt that being an effective communicator can have a profoundly positive effect on your life and the lives of [...]
by Bob Vandersluis Ketogenic, Low Carb, Low Fat, Intermittent Fasting, the "diet" list goes on and on. It's hard to wade through the plethora of [...]
by Bob Vandersluis Explosive Training is something that has massive appeal to athletic trainers, athletes and most other strength and conditioning specialists. Training explosively has [...]
by Bob Vandersluis One of the easiest, yet most overlooked aspects of success, whether in fitness, business, sports, you name it, is tracking progress. This simple [...]
by Bob Vandersluis Training is pretty difficult, and can challenge the best athletes to work past current physical and mental thresholds. Trying to be your best [...]
by Bob Vandersluis "We want to be simple, not just safe" - Mike Boyle (Functional Strength Training Coach) Unfortunately, the glitz and glam of some new [...]
by Bob Vandersluis All people consume 3 macro nutrients through nutrition. Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fat. All three macronutrients serve important functions, and each vary in quality. Carbohydrates [...]
by Bob Vandersluis As athletes, we need to think about nutrition in a different light than the general population. Calories in and calories out becomes [...]
by Bob Vandersluis Do you ever wonder what you should be eating in your off-season, pre-season, before a game or on all of the other [...]